Grant from EU Horizon 2020

We are very proud to share the excellent results received from Horizon 2020 SME Instrument. Our product, PREMADES, received a Phase-2 grant for the “SMEInst-12-2016-2017 — New business models for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies” which is awarded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020research and innovation programme. Our company had previously received H2020 SME Instrument Phase-1 grant in 2014 for the Feasibility Study and Commercialisation Plan for PREMADES.


The Horizon 2020 SME Instrument is a public funding programme that funds risk innovation in small businesses. It funds market-creating innovation in disruptive small businesses that have significant growth potential and global ambitions. The SME Instrument is part of Horizon 2020 – the EU’s 80 billion€ funding programme for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020.


Only the most innovative companies get selected. Until now, out of 30.000 applicants 2500 companies have been funded. and 25% of the companies funded under the SME Instrument are in the 10% fastest growing companies in Europe according to Venture Radar. In total the programme will invest € 3 billion in 7500 companies until 2020.

See more at European Commission official website here.