Prof. Dr. Özge Sürmeli, M.D.
Eskişehir Osmangazi University,
Health, Application and Research Hospital
Department Of Child Health And Diseases
“The harmonious functioning of sucking and swallowing functions ensures that the baby feeds with pleasure and gets the nutrition it needs at the optimum time. Evaluation of these functions with NeoSAFE provides an objective assessment of babies at risk for aspiration. It sheds light on babies in need of physiotherapy.”
Dr. Nazife Reyyan Buyurgan, M.D.
Marmara University,
Pendik Research and Application Hospital
Department Of Child Health And Diseases
“NeoSAFE was a new experience for me in 2023 in determining the nutritional maturity of newborns and the discharge decision. I am sure it will be very useful especially in my patient group of late preterm babies. So far, we have used the device in the nutritional assessment of breastfed babies and we have been very successful. We will continue to use NeoSAFE.”
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ali AKIN, M.D.
Ondokuz Mayıs University,
Faculty of Medicine
Division of Neonatology
“NeoSAFE, which has proven itself in the assessment of premature infant nutrition, has been a very exciting experience for me. Especially in the HIE patients I care for (babies with brain damage caused by a decrease in blood and oxygen reaching the baby during, before, and after birth), feeding is very likely to be problematic. I am very excited about the possibility of assessment the feeding skills of these babies with NeoSAFE and intervening early when necessary to reduce the problems these babies will face in the future. “